Turn your idea into the next big thing.

Quickly find & turn ideas into a ready-to-build MVP plans with AI and real-world data.


Identify a Problem.

Get to the root of the problem.
Before building anything it is important to make sure you know exactly what you're solving.
Analyze your life to identify
real problems to solve.
Find ideas that matter. Stop wasting time on problems that don't exist. Instead, let our AI analyze your life to indentify problems and find solutions even you would pay for.
Talk like you're sharing with a friend.
Voice messages, chat, and slang—we make it easy for you to share your problems.
AI Internet Access
Our AI will scan the internet in order to find problems people are complaining about and help you anlayze the market.
Feature #3
Get straight to the heart of your problem. With just a few questions, get clarified and understand if you're tackling the biggest challenge faced by this audience.
Feature #3
Identify key users impacted by the problem, from students to professionals, and uncover their pains and aspirations. Learn how the issue affects their daily lives and how the right solution could make a difference. This understanding ensures our solutions resonate with those we aim to help.
Feature #3
Current Alternatives
Discover existing solutions and users' attempts to tackle the problem. Evaluate these methods' effectiveness and understand the gaps they leave. This insight guides us in creating a solution that truly addresses users' needs.


Find Solutions.

Brainstorm multiple prototypes.
Build different prototypes that could each solve the problem in a different way.
Multi-Angle Solution Explorer.
Don't get stuck on one approach. Our tool helps you build multiple prototypes, each tackling the issue from a unique angle.
Create Prototype
Describe its features.
AI Name & Logo Creator.
Generate modern and simple names. Create logos by drawing a sketch of your idea.
Drag 'n Drop.
Dynamically Connectable.
AI Powered.
Collaborative in Real-Time.
Straight Forward.
Feature Categories.
Use Cases.
Streamline Your MVP Development.
Simplify your planning process with our intuitive editor. Focus on what truly matters for your MVP without getting bogged down by the superfluous.


Share Your Vision in Any Format.

Export easily.
Make your project universally accessible. Export it in formats that are easy for anyone to understand and share your goals with just a click.